Because we care for our environment
See how you can help our world tern greener!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is Today! ~ Chinese Proverb
Here at Maiahost we believe that Clean Renewable Green Future and thus we would like to inspire ordinary people to join our cause by planting a fruit tree somewhere.
Fruit trees are the biggest reducers of the CO2 pollution since they actively eat CO2 and release breathable oxygen as byproduct. In addition they passively reduce the food transportation carbon footprint which can sometimes be very high pollutant. Local fruit produce is the best source of nutrients and vitamins for you and everyone around you. Researchers have found that fresh vegetables and fruits have times higher nutritional value than a week old ones. Not to mention that fruits are a delicious treat for everyone passing by including wild animals, birds and critters.
It is as Simple as
1. Plant a Fruit Tree
2. Nurture it while it is young!
3. Bear its Fruits
4. Share it with Others
5. And thus Save Our World
Join Us NOW!
How to Plant a Fruit Tree
First you must decide where you want to plant it, then what type of fruit trees grow well in your particular area. There are some factors like soil composition, levels of sunlight per year as well as average temperatures thus we suggest you either consult a local Tree Nursery or you just plant what your neighbor’s are having if it looks great when fruits are ripened. Note that you should never plant a tree from a seed since most most often it won’t reassemble its parent fruit’s characteristics.