Maiahost : Best WordPress Hosting
Ultra Fast WordPress Performance on Optimized SSD Servers with 100% Guaranteed Uptime.
Managed WordPress Hosting
We provide Premium Managed WordPress Hosting for the price of cheap shared hosting
We Guarantee 99.9% Service Uptime and we can prove that during the past 10+ years our services have indeed achieved Excellent All-time Uptime of 99.92% monitored since 2006. Monitored by (
We offer Free WordPress Customization Help and our Support Team will try to answer all your wordpress related questions thus give you a helping hand with your development problems..
With the WordPress Hosting Plan you get WordPress pre-installed and pre-configured with our secret blend of “success sauce”. This allows you to start building your website in just a few minutes after order completion. Generally within 15 minutes to 1 hr you will receive email with the log-in credentials for your new WordPress website as well as our Hosting CPanel and Client Back-end.
Why use WordPress?
As professional webmasters we believe that WordPress is the content management system of our choice. It is relatively fast and pretty dependable in terms of performance, stability and regularity of updates/bug-fixes.
WordPress is currently the largest publishing platform with over 17 Million users world-wide and keeps growing fast. No wonder why most websites want to convert their websites the WordPress publishing platform.
Working with WordPress has never been easier!
WordPress Web Development is extremely easy, it does not require any special skills to operate and do not require any special software to be installed on your computer since everything is done directly from the website administration panel /wp-admin/ . You can easily create and modify web pages or post blog/news posts.
Our WordPress Hosting Includes:
Unlimited Diskspace & Bandwidth
As technology improved and storage capacities increased we no longer meter storage or bandwidth. Although storage and bandwidth are not limited we stimulate our clients to have lightweight optimized websites since this dramatically decreases page download time and helps web browsing from locations with poor internet connections.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee
We offer 30 day full money back guaranteed without any questions asked

Free Website Transfers
It has never been easier to join the Maiahost Services. Let our experienced staff move your existing website to your hosting account with us. If you wish to request free website transfers please open support ticket or contact live chat support.

99.9% Guranteed uptime
We have successfully achieved 99.92% uptime within the past 10 years and more. This means less than 2 hours of downtime per year!

Free WordPress Support
Our staff loves WordPress and we are ready to point you in the right direction or even solve most of WordPress related issues. We believe that good service is to give more than what you got paid for.
Free Data Recovery Points
If you accidentally deleted something or damaged your website we can Safely Restore it Free of Charge from our Backup Points. We offer by default Automated Weekly and Monthly full account backups. If that’s not enough for you we can even offer you free limited daily backups.

cPanel Hosting Panel
CPanel is the best hosting service account administration back-end tool that enables you to easily manage your Website Software, Traffic/Visitor Stats, FTP and Email Accounts, PHP version and MySQL Databases.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
Because we believe we are the best and our products are way better than our competition, we guarantee you 100% satisfaction!
Vertex – Premium Design/Marketing/Photography/Arts portfolio presentation website
If you are looking for new Amazing design then we got you covered [rev_slider alias="featuredtemplatevertex"] This template is provided free or charge for clients of Maiahost and can be pre-installed with new Maiahost accounts.